Micks of Micksburg European History

European History

RESEARCH OF THE MICH/DAB (Micks/Doupe) families by ALBERTA CALLENDER 1709/2000.

What prompted a people to uproot their families and flee to a distant country in the year l709? WAR and HUNGER and RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION such as continues in the World to-day in this year of 2000. A people living in the PALATINATE – the Pfaltz – of GERMANY, some of whose ancestors had already fled there from other European and Scandinavian countries, to escape from the French armies who were burning and pillaging their homes, plus two severe winters which destroyed the Grape Harvest – many of them being Vinedressers. 1648 saw the end of the 30 years War which had ruined the German provinces when King Louis of France decided to annexe the Palatinate and l685 saw him revoke the Edict of Nantes which guaranteed the religious and political freedoms enjoyed by Protestants. Exhorbitant taxes were levied and weary of War and cold the failure of the Grape Harvest was the final straw.

On a visit to Heidelberg some years ago I was told a somewhat romantic story (and I have since read a somewhat similar account in Caroline Heald’s Book on the Palatines of Ontario) . “The Palatinate – Kurpfalz Region – was one of the most advanced States in Europe. Elector Karl Ludwig married his daughter Liselotte to the brother of Louis XIV (known as the Sun King) of France in the hope of extending the influence of the Palatinate, and when his son died without an heir in l685 Louis claimed the territory of the left bank of the Rhine and the Orleans Wars ensued (l688-l697). This was how a German State came to be ruled over by a French King”. The following years saw great unrest and religious persecution and when the severe Winters of l708-9 destroyed the Grape Harvest their thoughts turned to emigration. In l677 William Penn had visited the Palatinate and told that there would be a welcome for any families who wished to emigrate and colonize the land. NOW it was remembered – word spread and thousands elected to find a new life in the New World of Canada and America. And so, in April l709, gathering together only what possessions they could carry, the journey down the Rhine began, traveling in Scows – flat bottomed boats – just as the Armies of Louis were destroying the towns of the Lower Palatinate, Forbidden to leave, many perished. Fees and tolls had to be paid – there were chains across the river at Toll Castles (which you may still see to-day) and they had to rely on gifts of food along the way (though sometimes THEY were robbed).

In April l709 they started on their journey to Rotterdam and it was reported that one thousand refugees were arriving in Rotterdam every day. by early June. Queen Anne of England sent ships (mostly troop ships of the Duke of Marlborough) Her great-aunt had married the Elector Palatine and their daughter Sophia was married to the Elector of Hanover. Sophia was Queen Ann’s Heiress Presumptive and her son was eventually to become King George I. so Queen Ann had an interest in the Palatinate. Instructions were given for Lists to be made (known as the Rotterdam Lists) Landing at Deptford they were sent to Camps on the Commons of Camberwell and Blackheath and Greenwich where they were housed in Warehouses and Tents and given food and clothing. On Sundays people came to look at “the poor Palatines” and some brought gifts of food and bought the Toys which some of the Palatines made. Even though the Government offered to pay anybody who would take the Palatines into their homes there was little response and an Appeal was made for funds. Three hundred thousand pounds was collected countrywide – which in those days was a great deal of money. But soon they came to be resented – especially by the poorer classes who considered they were taking the bread out of THEIR mouths! Twice a day they gathered for prayers, using barrels as Pulpits and as it is often under the most extreme conditions that the strongest human bonds are formed and couples fall in love, during their sojourn in London many marriages were performed. Sleeping as they were on straw – even though changed periodically – there was also great overcrowding which resulted in disease and hundreds are said to have died, resulting in mass burials. Inevitably, resentment grew when there was no sign of the Palatines leaving.

Eventually a Committee was appointed to find settlement for families and the Earl of Wharton, then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and whose wife was a lady-in-waiting to the Queen, petitioned the Queen to send as many families as she should think fit to settle on the large Estates in Ireland. More than 800 families elected to go – over three thousand souls. On the 8th of August l709 a London Newspaper reported that on that day several wagons with Palatine men, women and children, had passed through the city on their way to Chester to embark for Ireland. Travelling expenses were provided with a small sum of money to help them on their way and they left for Chester on the West Coast of England – the women and children on wagons with their few possessions and the men walking. But even then some 245 persons were reported as dying on the way as it was a long and exhausting journey of over l00 miles and they were glad to sleep in the stables provided by sympathetic people. At Chester they embarked for Dublin. Once more they found themselves encamped near a city under dreadful conditions amongst a hostile people. Every advantage was taken of the poor foreigners who spoke no English or Irish and did not understand the values of money they had been given,. and the Lord Mayor of Dublin had to issue a proclamation ordering fair treatment of the Palatines. Once again they suffered hunger as the money which the Government advanced was not sufficient to sustain them.

Amongst the Landlords (42 in all) who had offered to settle the Palatines on their Estates was one Sir Thomas Southwell. Lady Southwell had been a lady-in-waiting to the Queen and her husband had been favoured with a very large grant of land at Castlematrix near Rathkeale. Interested in the Linen Industry he asked that mostly Weavers would be sent to him and his wife elected to set up an Industry for their wives, – the 65 weavers among the refugees were sent to Ireland. . The remains of the Weaving Sheds and Millrace may still be seen to-day outside the Castle wall by the River Deel. The Government undertook to pay Lord Southwell the rent and each family was granted 8 acres – leased for 50 years or three lives – at five shillings per acre. He agreed to supply them with timber.to build their houses, – . This arrangement was initially for 20 years to encourage the Palatines to stay. They were also given a Musket – known as a Queen Anne – for defence, but there is no record that they were ever used (not even in l829 when there was some ill feeling towards them). They were also enrolled in the free Yeomanry of the country and were known as the True Blues or German Fusiliers. The Government, however, were slow to reimburse Lord Southwell and in l7l6 he had to threaten to evict the Palatines and seize their stock unless the King “was graciously pleased”: to advance payment.

Many of the Palatines who had remained behind in Dublin returned to England and many more had returned to their homeland from Rotterdam.

From l7ll they grew restless – lifestyle was not as good as they expected and The Great Scattering as it was known, continued for many years.

On the Census of Palatines encamped at London was 35 year old HENRY MICH,
his wife and sons of 9 and 5 and daughters l2 and 7 and it is from this family that the Irish Palatine MickMicks is descended. A MICH registered as having been born in l674 the correct age for 35 year old Henry was living at Nantenan in l766. One of his sons, John, would be the father of Henry who married Elizabeth Teskey, and to whom we can trace back our ancestry. A Henry Mick is mentioned in the Groves Papers (Genealogical Office, Dublin Castle) as being head of a Palatine family and on 292l720 a Henry Nick (?) is recorded as being on the Southwell Estate in County Limerick. There is also mention of a Mathew Mick on the List of 13-2-1715.. as is also Henry. 

RECORDS in the Pfalz record that Johan Hendrig Mich, Bayern, Pfalz married Rosina Sydonia Zugehaer on l42l696. also of Bayern, Pfalz. They had a daughter in l697, a son l700 a daughter l702 and a son in l704. . Johan Henry’s father was a Frederick cl652 Bayern, Pfalz. married there in l673. This may not be our HENRY but the dates and those of the children are very significant.

It is a tragedy that all Records were burnt in the Troubles of l922 in Dublin and it is difficult to trace with certainty the Founder of ANY Palatine Irish family, one can only examine the remaining Records. The MICH who arrived in London in the 3 rd Party of Palatines according to Hank Z. Jones Book are as follows:
HENRY MINK his wife and four children Rotterdam Lists. HANS HENDRIG MINK his wife and five children also Rotterdam Lists. We do not know what became of these two families they may have returned to their homeland.
FREDERICK MICK aged 65 with his wife, sons 2 3 and l8 and daughters 28 and 26 this family were Roman Catholic and at least one Book I have read credits him as being in Ireland but there is no evidence to back it up.
JOHN MICK with his wife, aged 23 (Census of Palatines In England)

HENRY MICK aged 35 with his wife, sons 9 and 5 and daughters l2 and 7 LONDON LISTS was proven to have been one of the Palatines chosen for the Southwell Estate, but we do not know how many more children they afterwards had as they were both comparatively young.

Frederick Mick was registered as a Freeholder of Ballingrane in l747, l755 and l759 (Henry’s younger son??) and Leonard was listed in Ballingrane townland in l759 on the Religious Census of Protestants for the Parish of Nantenan in l766.
At the end of the 50 year Lease a small party of Palatines originally from the Southwell Estate, sailed for America in l756 while in l760 the most famous of all Palatines, Barbara Ruckle (Ruttle) Heck and Philip Embury, who together founded Methodism in America, were in a party which left from Limerick Docks on the ship PERY bound for New York. Barbara;’s brother Daniel was grandfather of Elizabeth Teskey who in l80l married Henry Mick (my ancestor). And their mother was Embury . Barbara persuaded Philip to hold Services to combat the vices of drinking and swearing, which had become rife,. in his own house. The first “congregation” consisted of 5 persons, including their black ervant Betty. Perhaps they bought Betty at the slave Auctions which they saw at the dockside when they disembarked at New York! There are now over l4 million Methodists in America and a similar number in Canada

The Palatines were not necessarily all of German descent as previous generations had themselves come from Scandinavia and adjoining European countries as refugees, mostly of Calvinist and Lutheran persuasions and they were joined by Roman Catholics, Mennonites from Switzerland and Moravians, .and the Pennsylvanian Dutch. (The Mennonites introduced mixed farming to Germany). Moravians settled in the North of Ireland and to-day they still have a Church on the outskirts of Ballymena, its spire the same as those to be seen on old Churches in Germany. It is plain and well cared for – the Pulpit being raised very high from the floor. Their houses are built in a square, more modern and pretty, and they still have their own Clergyman..

On arrival at Castlematrix on the Southwell Estate cottages were built – in a square – and then kitchen gardens were laid out and fruit trees planted . They had Beehives to fertilize the plants and trees. Villages were also built at Ballingrane, Courtmatrix and Killaheen and it was in Ballingrane that our MICKS family settled. The Palatines introduced the wheeled plough and planted Potatoes in drills instead of the “lazybeds” used by their Irish neighbours. and vegetables, almost unknown in Ireland, were grown. Flax for spinning was grown, as was also wheat, oats and hemp. Geese were kept in the orchards to fertilize the ground and they in turn fed on the apples which fell to the ground. The Palatines were said to “sleep between two beds” down-feather quilts from the geese which they kept and which were the forerunner of the Duvets as we know them to-day. They also appointed a Burgomaster to whom they took their problems and as time went by people shewed great respect for the “gentle Irish who spoke German” a language which eventually died out. The women worked beside their husbands and kept their homes well. Beekeeping was much favoured – my Uncle (William Leonard Micks) was an expert and often called to see to the Hives which their owners daren’t do in case of being attacked by the Bees! Badly crippled with Arthritis he would sit between his Hives keeping an eye on them through a spyglass!

Missing their Vineyards, the Palatines turned to making Cider and my own grandfather was an expert. The Ciderstone which he used to crush the apples was still in the garden – unbroken – in my childhood and I used it to “play house”. The Cider was known as “Cack-a-Ge” (Gay – ge – being the Irish word for Geese) and Cacka – well – a name chosen in jest! Some Palatines also settled in Kilcooley on the Tipperary/Kilkenny border and are still there. There is a road perhaps a mile long – known as Palatine Street. The houses are fine two-storey, slated, and in large farmyards surrounded by sheds and still standing if not occupied. A settlement at Carlow also has its Palatine Street as had Pallasgreen in County Limerick.

Abel Ram in Wexford took 35 Palatine families on his Estate but in l798 they were mostly the victims of a holocaust when in the Rebellion they were rounded up and herded into a Barn which was then set alight and men, women and children perished.. Their. homes , livestock and all their possessions were also burned and those who had escaped had only what they stood up in when they fled. The “Whiteboys” had decided that the Palatines were supporting the English Government. A few years ago when staying with a friend in Wexford I went looking for Old Ross, but there was nothing to be seen and anybody I asked had never heard of a Palatine Settlement. There are, however, several families of Palatine origin still living in Co. Wexford.

Over the years the German pronunciation was replaced by a more Anglicised version – as in the case of my grandparents Mich and Duab (Doupe) though still pronounced “Dobe”. Some of the American and Canadian families still pronounce their names MICK while Irish families have added an S. My mother always called her mother by the German sounding “Mutti” though it never occurred to me to ask why – maybe the rest of the family did also but I never noticed !

By far the largest Settlement was at the Southwell Estate and the Southwells lived in Castlematrix Castle. The founder of the Micks family settled at Nantenan Ballingrane and eventually their descendants moved over an area of approximately l0 miles – to the parish of Ardcanny, Nantenan, Ballingrane, Rathkeale, Adare and Ballingarry from the Ardgoul townland. So it can be taken that all of that name are in some way related, as are the Doupes..

The Mich-Mick-Micks family were fortunate in the draw for Landlords in that they were assigned to the Southwell Estate – only “emigrating” to the Bury estate at Ardcanny and adjoining areas. In l729 there were still l03 families settled on the Southwell estate. Some families subsequently moved to the Quin estate at Adare – several more settled in Kerry and the Oliver Estate at Kilfinane. The Bury estate was at Newmarket – now known as Pallaskenry. But in the main, families seem to have stuck together.

Having survived the 39 years War of l6l8-45 only to be plunged into another War in l674 at the hands of the French they were influenced by the promise of what came to be known as the Golden Book which was circulated in the Palatinate., a volume with a picture of Queen Anne and the title pages in letters of gold, promising transport from England to the Colonies. And William Penn’s visit to the Palatinate inviting emigrants to Pennsylvania was also remembered but the deciding factors were the terrible Winters of l708 & 9 which ravished Europe destroying the vines on which they depended for their livelihood and their families facing starvation. Villages were emptying and the Elector issued an Edict forbidding people to leave. And so it was that the heads of families got together and taking only what they could carry they stole away in the night. Some riverside towns attempted to extract a Travel Tax and the Toll Castles had chains across the river preventing any passage until the Tolls were paid. – you can still see them. On arrival at Rotterdam they had expected to be transferred immediately to ships and to set sail for the New World, but when they arrived there was a long delay and many of them had to exist on charity and they were housed in shacks. Orders were given to make Lists of all families sailing to England (The Rotterdam Lists) . .Many were turned back from Rotterdam but eventually over l3,000 arrived in England. (3000 were sent back) Here again an attempt was made to List all families (The London Lists).

They were glad to accept menial jobs – if they could get them – and only one quarter of those who had hoped to arrive in America were eventually able to do so

Sir Walter Raleigh was a friend of the Southwells and often visited. It was he who had introduced the POTATO – which originated in the South American country of CHILE – to Ireland when he brought the first Tubers to Youghal in the south of Ireland and obviously saved some for his friend, – from Youghal and Castlematrix they spread throughout the country and became the staple food of the rural population. In the mid-l700s the population of Ireland was only 2.5 million. By the mid-l800s when the Great Famine came the population was 9 million. Credit for the big rise in population is given to the Potato – better nutrition, greater fertility meaning bigger families. Ten times before Famine had struck Ireland but it was not a wide-spread Famine and the country survived. It was the complete failure of the crop in l845-47 together with the severest winter in living memory, that decimated the population and the population to-day is but 3.5 million. The Potato Murrin crossed the Atlantic to Europe – France, Holland, and Belgium were badly affected as was England, before it arrived in Ireland and spread quickly throughout the country. Potatoes were mostly grown on conacre – a portion of land which was rented to grow a crop on which the rural population then existed for the whole year.
NOTE: When the Potato Murrin first appeared nobody knew what it was – Blight – and it was said to have crossed the Atlantic in the STEAMSHIPS. It took six days for a SAILINGSHIP to cross the Atlantic and pass through the doldrums where the colossal heat quickly killed the bacteria and fungus but the Steamships could pass through the doldrums in one day whatever the weather so the Potatoes would be full of disease. The spraying of Bluestone which killed it was at that time – the l800s – unknown.

Between l8l6 and l842 there had been l4 failures of the Potato crop. But in l845 it took over the whole country. – black spots on the leaves overnight and a sickening smell pervaded. as the tuber rotted.

The Government instituted a Relief Scheme – mostly work on the new Railways and road-making, to provide the most needy people with money to buy food. But it was short-term and insufficient, and people – particularly in the West of Ireland, starved. (Land in the West of Ireland is barren and stoney).

Note: It is hard to believe that the same system of road-making was in operation in the l930s when I can remember – as a child – driving past a group of unemployed men – some young Palatines – sitting at a road junction breaking stones with a heavy hammer and piling them high in a square which was then measured at the end of their day and paid for “by the yard”. Roads in Ireland were mostly limestone and dust rose in a cloud as you travelled. – men on bicycles on Sunday mornings going to Church and who usually wore navy-blue suits would arrive home covered in the white limestone dust.!

When Indian meal was brought in to feed the starving in the West of Ireland the problem was transport. It was flint meal and required many hours of boiling to make it palatable but up to the time when Dealers put up the price it was available at a penny and twopence a pound. It also should have been ground twice and this was not always done., – also it was rationed, there was never enough and whole families starved.

In the l840s more than 40% of rural cabins consisted of just one room. Wooden rafters were covered with sods of earth and then thatched with straw. Some had no windows or chimneys – the smoke just went out through the door! I can remember seeing the last of these cabins in the late l920s , unoccupied and falling down, on our way to the seaside of Ballybunion. On the Beara Peninsula in Co. Cork/Kerry you can still see the remains of small houses and you would wonder how people had survived in such isolated places.

Women and children were barefoot – I can recall seeing children run barefoot from the lanes in Limerick during the l920s/early l930s. Women wore black shawls (we referred to them as Shawly women!) But throughout all the famine years it is said that Beer, Whiskey and the illegally-made Poitin were very cheap!

In l849 there was an outbreak of Cholera (there was also one in l8l3 according to the Church Record Book) The cities were overcrowded where rural people had gone to find work.

Some Historians blame the Famine on Landlords. The lands of Ireland were mostly owned by Landlords who rented out parcels of land to their tenants. Some were good Landlords – but some were absentees who did not live in the country and felt neither responsible nor generous, – it was left to their Agents to collect the rents. And some of the Landlords were deeply in debt themselves and depended on rents to reduce it. Cattle-grazing was becoming the most profitable method of farming and it suited Landlords to be rid of their tenants to clear the land. Some – mainly the absentees of course – resorted to eviction. The local Constabulary were given the job of evicting the people and their few possessions from their cabins, which were then thrown down and burned, leaving them destitute and homeless, Their only shelter would be the workhouses and these, already overflowing, were not always able to take them in.

Some Landlords put their hands in their pockets and paid for food – Lord Monteagle, whose estate ran from Shanagolden to Mount Trenchard near Tarbert on the banks of the Shannon, was one of these. (He was one time Chancellor of the Exchequer in the British Government). Soup Kitchens were established, mainly at the instigation of the Society of Friends – Quakers and “Protestants” (i.e., any religious persuasion which was not Roman Catholic) They were referred to as Soupers, (even in my young day children, seeing me coming out of a “Protestant School”, would call after me “Proddy woddy ring the bell; call the Soupers down to hell” – and I would reply “You drank the Soup!” and run quickly away) Children can be so cruel to one another! A local Limerick newspaper reported weekly on donations for Famine Relief and always, every week, would be a donation from the Quaker Society of Friends, money, clothes or food.

FAMINE; Napoleon had “cornered” the Timber supplies from Russia and Scandinavia and supplies had to be brought from Canada – at that time a sparsely populated country. The ships returned there in ballast. Many people who could raise the few pounds necessary for the fare – or helped by Landlords who were anxious to unload their responsibility for their tenants – were anxious to emigrate to the New World and the Government was anxious to colonize the country. Some of these ships, overloaded and unseaworthy, foundered and hundreds perished – they became known as Coffin Ships.

There was never enough food or water to last the long voyage of six to nine weeks and fever would break out on board. Any ship which arrived at Quebec with fever on board was ordered to stand off, which prolonged the agony of the emigrants. But the goal of . the people was the United States of America , and it was easy enough to cross the border – life was too hard and cold in Canada! On 24th of April l846 the ship LORD SYDENHAM arrived in Quebec with 700 passengers from Limerick, who were reported as being “All Respectable”. Were any of our Palatine relations aboard? In the mid-l800s
the rate of emigration was said to be 200,000 each year. l85l saw the highest figure ever of 250,000. The poorest emigrants had been promised a pound plus food and clothing on their arrival in Canada, but this in most cases did not materialize and many died on arrival.

Employment in Ireland had been almost nil – rural workers would have been paid only eight or nine pence per day – city employees received eight or nine shillings per week.

NOTE; A Limerick Timber Merchant, Francis Spaight, who had an estate – Derry Castle – near Killaloe (some l5 miles from Limerick on the Shannon) was a large Importer of Canadian Timber. The Limerick firm which bears his name was still in existence up to the end of the 20th Century. Well run, his ships took many emigrants to Canada..

Emigrant Ships had to stop at Grosse I’le on the St. Lawrence River for the emigrants to be medically examined. In l998 I was taken to visit there when with a party from Limerick Diocese we paid an exchange visit to our twinned Diocese of New Hampshire. We travelled out by boat and it was bitterly cold – imagine what it must have been like for the poor half-starved emigrants inadequately clothed and ill,. and who had lost some of their family on the long voyage. We saw the remains of the Hospital where they would have lain and where many died and the graves where they are buried. As many names as possible are recorded and I was able to tell that a family named BIBLE, (Palatines), of whom it was said “nothing was known nor where they came from”, had resided at Kilfinane in Limerick county. There is an Irish Memorial cross on which it said the Irish emigrants had left home to escape religious persecution, but this of course is wrong – they left to escape starvation and in the hope of a better life for themselves and their children. The island was covered in Azumac Trees and there were Guides to take us around and tell us the sad tale of the emigrants whose journey ended there. It was a sad place to contemplate. (The grandmother of Henry Ford who invented the motor car is buried there).

Note; Castlematrix Castle at Rathkeale, the home of the Southwells, was for many years in a state of disrepair. An American Colonel O’Driscoll had asked a friend, a member of the Government to let him know if they had a Castle for sale and he was offered Castlematrix after World War 2, for just two thousand pounds. With the aid of Grants he spent 30 years restoring it. Itinerants had removed everything, with the exception of the small stained glass window in the Chapel (probably due to superstition!). In l993 when I visited, his young wife and children still lived there and her Portugese-English father enjoyed shewing people over it during the Summer months. A herd of Jacob Sheep grazed the fields. (In the l600s Lord Southwell bred HOBBYE HORSES – said to be the ancestors of the American Morgan horse -and the Quarter-Horse) and he sent a stallion and four mares to Virginia).

NOTE: One of the first breeders of pedigree Cattle to sell Pedigree Bulls to Argentina – William Talbot-Crosbie – held auctions at Ardfert in Co.Kerry, attended by Argentinian Cattle Barons, in the late l800s..

In the early l800s three Mills were in operation at Castlematrix – Flax, Flour and Sawmills powered by a 40 ft diameter millwheel) In the l930s the roof, doors and windows were removed to escape taxation and for 30 years it was a veritable ruin until the early l960s when Colonel Sean O’Driscoll of the U.S. Airforce bought it and commenced the restoration.



BALLINGRANE where they lived would be translated TOWNLAND OF THE
SHRUBBERY OR GARDEN: Known for generations as PALATINES people are still wont to pronounce it Pal aN tine!

HENRY was born in the Palatinate the Pfalz of Germany in l674. At the age of 35, Henry, his wife, two daughters aged l2 and 7 and two sons of 9 and 5 years old left their homeland in l709 and were with the third party of Palatines to reach England from Rotterdam to where they had travelled down the River Rhine in flatbottomed boats known as scows. on what they hoped was the beginning of their e migration to the New World America to escape the privations of two intensely cold winters which had destroyed their Vineyards on which they mainly depended, and the persecution of the Armies of France which had overrun the Pfalz. Their names were amongst those recorded on the Census of Palatines in England in that year.

In l7l5 HENRY was listed as being head of a Palatine family in Ireland, living on the Southwell Estate (pronounced Suthell) at Rathkeale in County Limerick (the property of Sir Thomas Southwell who was raised to the peerage in l7l7 and who died in l720 at the age of 53) Thus HENRY became the Founder of the Mich/Micks/Mick family, a family which eventually spread to America and Canada and beyond.

In l7l5 HENRY was listed as being head of a Palatine family in Ireland, living on the Southwell Estate (pronounced Suthell) at Rathkeale in County Limerick (the property of Sir Thomas Southwell who was raised to the peerage in l7l7 and who died in l720 at the age of 53) Thus HENRY became the Founder of the Mich/Micks/Mick family, a family which eventually spread to America and Canada and beyond.

Due to the destruction of all Church Records in the Mansionhouse Fire in Dublin during the Troubles of l922, we do not have either the names of his sons or whether or not he had MORE sons after his arrival in Ireland – quite possible as at 35 years of age both he and his wife were comparatively young – and British/Irish Registration was not compulsory until the year l863 although Census was introduced in l82l. A grandson was also named Henry as Church Record l5-4-l79l records the baptism of a son Philip to a Henry/Elizabeth and the burial of a son Richard of Henry, Pallaskenry, on 29-l-l8l9

JOHN: A grandson JOHN was born in c l730l807. He married a Mary who died l7l0 l8l8 and is buried in Nantenan. and HIS known sons were JOSEPH, JOHN, FREDERICK, PETER, HENRY possibly a son named ADAM also and a daughter Margaret who was baptised 56l783 but died and was buried on l85l784. Another Researcher includes the names of THOMAS and RICHARD.

We have a German Record (Liz Staples) Frederick Mich c l652 Bayern, Pfalz, who had a son Johan HENRIG MICH born l696 who on l42l696 married Rosina Sydonia Zugehaer of Bayern. 4 children are recorded all born in Bayern. In l697 they had a daughter; a son l700; a daughter l702 and a son l704.. The children’s ages are very significant could this be our HENRY? Everything points to him!
However, absolute accuracy is impossible Throughout the Records there are several unnamed MARYs is it possible that MARY was used in Research when the wife’s name was unknown?


J O S E P H was born in l750s. He joined the Army at a young age and it is unlikely that he ever returned to the home in Ardgoul. It was the custom in those days and up to the middle of the 20th Century for the eldest child of a family to leave home as soon as he was old enough to do so and become apprenticed to a trade ( all my Micks Uncles were apprenticed to Carpenters) or to join the Army. There was an Army Barracks in Cavan and when Joseph left the Army, he returned to live in CAVAN where he married a Cavan girl (Grady). A son THOMAS was born to them in l794 and Thomas in turn had a son ROBERT on 7 8l825. THOMAS died when ROBERT was but six months old, aged 32, and was buried on 2lll826. His wife was LUCY MERVEN (or Mervyn) whose family came to Ireland with William the Third and after the Revolution of l688 had received a grant of land in Fermanagh (this land eventually went to the Archdale
family). JOSEPH also died the same year as Thomas, aged 76, and was buried on l2l2-1826.

In l887/9 ROBERT had been writing to Micksburg in Ontario seeking information about his family. The correspondence was passed to James Walsh ( a descendant of Joseph’s brother Peter who had emigrated there) but as he obviously had heard neither of the Palatines nor of the names MICH and SCHUMACHER (Peter’s wife) his replies were misleading. In l922 WILLIAM a son of Robert, had written again this time to the Rev. Henry Mick, saying he had communicated with some elderly people in their 80s in Cavan and they remembered Joseph as being nearly 6 ft tall a characteristic of the
Ardgoul Micks family, and knew only that he was not a native of Cavan.

SIR ROBERT MICKS 78l825/72l902. Married ELINOR LAWSON a sister of
Chief Justice Lawson (Rt.Hon.James A. Lawson). on 294l848 in Waterford. Having worked in several Government Departments in Ireland and England he rose to be Head of Customs & Excise for South Wales, a Justice of the Peace for London and the County of Kent, Commissioner of Land Tax and one time Secretary of Inland Revenue. (H.M. Customs & Excise Old Year Books Records per Dr.Don Micks, Texas,) Supervisor in Westport l862; Collector of Taxes in Hull l872; Collector of Taxes in Belfast l882; Collector of Taxes Dublin l887; Secretary of Excise l892. in which year he was Knighted by Queen Victoria for Services to the State. He retired around l894.


LUCINDA ELINOR bapt. l74l849 in Caernarvon, Wales (Marriage Registered lst
quarter l869)
WILLIAM LAWSON l73l85l “ “ “
MARY ELIZABETH l5l853 “ “ “

(married James Harold Courtney of Waterford at Eltham, Kent
(Nantenan Notes 89l888)
ROBERT born cl858 Caernarvon died unmarried in Hull, Yorkshire, l82l934 (l90l
Census says “Merchant and J.P. for East Riding of Yorkshire and his birth address as “Plas Merfyn, Lee, Kent)
AMELIA JANE JOSEPHINE Caernarvon l25l864 in Westport, Ireland (she also
married a Courtney in Waterford in l909)

Sir Robert’s wife ELINOR, died in l864 in Westport. Co. Mayo, either in childbirth or shortly after Amelia was born, at the age of 40.
When subsequently living in Kent in England he married again to a lady of that county Jane Rozea (born l826 died l90l) a daughter of Surgeon Richard Rozea. (Cousin Liz Staples has obtained a copy of their marriage certificate marriedOctober 9th l866, witness George Rozea, Christ Church, parish of Marylebone in the Co. of Middlesex)

WILLIAM LAWSON married E.I. Meyrick. (On l4th February l895 at St. Peter
Port, Guernsey, by the Rev.George E.Lee, Rector, William Lawson Micks,Sec.to the Congested District Board for Ireland, to Emma Isabel, youngest daughter of the late Rev. S.H.Meyrick,Canon of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin notice in the Limerick Chronicle dated l92l895)

ROBERT HENRY born 30121895 (he died 9 2l970_ He was a Physician and
Professor of Trinity College Dublin.(Materia Medicine). He married FANNY
GERALDINE McFETRIDGE in l940 and they adopted two sons DAVID and JOHN. David married .llll969 Kilmore Cathedral, Barbara Lord of Downey Co. Cavan and had son Duncan and daughter Janet, l970s)

HENRIETTA LUCY birth registered lst quarter l897 in Rathdown, Ireland. Died l978. (newspaper says birth l22l879 Micks, Merrion House, Killiney, Co.Dublin, wife of Wm.L.Micks of a daughter)

WILLIAM THEODORE birth registered 3rd QUARTER l898, Rathdown, married Violet Robson (father medical practitioner M.B) (died l03l969 Dublin)

EDWARD CHRISTOPHER – Birth registered lst Quarter l90l (he died suddenly in
Scotland on 5-l0-l973, according to a Newspaper cutting. The funeral was strictly private – no flowers – and there was to be a Memorial Service at a later date in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin). He became a Kings’ Counsellor – a Barrister – and assisted the Representative Church Body with their Legal affairs – I remember my mother speaking of him.

.Their father, WILLIAM LAWSON was apparently Local Government Board
Inspector of Infirmary and other public buildings for Limerick and Clare for two years and acting LGBI for Tipperary (Nantenan Newspaper Notes 6 lll888) and then transferred to Londonderry. Newspaper notes refer to him as “most courteous … held in high esteem” and I have seen mention of him in Co. Limerick Newspaper Records as having attended the Society Wedding of George H. Pentland to Ms. Jessie Frances Barrington when amongst the extensive Wedding Present List (22l889) he was the presenter of “a gold Shamrock Brooch”

His son WILLIAM THEODORE was a noted Surgeon at St. Patrick Dunne’s Hospital Dublin from l92762 and was Consultant Surgeon at the Royal V ictoria Eye and Ear Hospital. He had two children BIDDY who was severely handicapped (her family did not understandably wish to be approached for family information when contacted several years ago) and ROBERT who was married with three children Patricia l964, Maureen l966, and Christopher l970. They are thought to be in Canada.

Dean Maurice Talbot of St. Mary’s Cathedral Limerick and onetime Curate of Nantenan and Rathkeale, knew the brothers well and agrees with this family information. Copies of Sir Robert’s letters and those of his son William, written to Micksburg, were in Canadian and American researcher files, but it was only when the late Prof. Dr. Don Micks of Texas sent me the original citation regarding his Knighthood that my cousin (Liz Staples, g.-daughter of Richard Lambert Micks) and I researched the family properly.

As undertaken by LGBIs
l. Extent of district, whether inland or maritime.
2. Average quantity of land cultivated on holdings at and under 4 pounds   valuation under potatoes, oats , greencrops and meadow.
3 Extent of mountain or moor grazing.
4 Whether land could be reclaimed and added to adjoining holdings.
5 Possibility of migration
6 Method of cultivation etc.
7 Information with regard to livestock and poultry.
8 Markets and fairs for the sale of cattle and produce and for the purchase of. 3 supplies.
9 Rail, steamer, boat, road, post al and telegraph facilities.
10 Employment for labourers in the district
11 Migratory labour and earnings
12 Weaving, knitting, spinning and sewing.
13 Kelp and seaweed
14 Sale of turf and nature and extent of bog
15 Lobster fishing, number of men and boats employed
16 Sea fishing
17 Number and class of boats employed in fishing or carrying turf or seaweed
18 Fish whether used at home or sold
19 Fish curing
20 Piers and harbours
21 Salmon and freshwater fisheries
22 Bank and loan funds

23 Minerals and other resources
24 Dealings whether cash, credit or barter
25 Estimated cash receipts and expenditure of a family in ordinary circumstances
26 Estimated money value of the products of an average holding, with other local
27 Dietary of the people
28 Clothing and bedding of the people
29 Character, disposition, dwellings, homelife and customs of the people. &30
30 Organised efforts for the improvement of the district
31 Suggestions for the improvement of the district
1 Establishment of steam and other communication
2 Agricultural development
3 Introduction of good breeds of livestock and poultry
4 Development of fisheries
5 Provision of industrial occupation for the male population during months of
November, December, January and February
6 Technical instruction of girls in needlework and kindred occupations
7 Development of tourist traffic
8 Migration of population and reclamation of land
9 Promotion of minor miscellaneous occupations

The above is an example of the work which William L. Micks had to investigate as
Local Government Inspector of Infirmary and other Buildings & Congested Districts Board, and of which he was appointed as First Secretary.
He was the author of HISTORY OF THE CONGESTED BOARD, Dublin, and godfather of Grania Gahan of Muriel Gahan’s family who was the main founder of the Irish Countrywomen’s Association Country Markets Hetty Micks, his daughter, was her schoolfriend. MURIEL GAHAN it was who encouraged the handknitters of the Aran Islands to bring their beautiful Aran Knitwear to market and which is now worldfamous, as well as weaving, carding and dying of wool. His name was continually appearing in Limerick Newspapers attending various Infirmary etc. Meetings.

FREDERICK was a Freeholder in l784. He had a daughter Sarah who married John Enright in l803.. She had a son JOHN in l804.. He also had a son FREDERICK who married Catherine Baker. (daughter of Adam Baker and Ann Rose who were the grandparents of Mary who married Adam Micks) Their daughter Catherine married Robert Watson, private of 72nd Regiment, in Rathkeale on 205l804 and they had a son

JAMES who married Catherine Shaughnessy in l852. There is mention of a MATTHEW around this time and he may also have been a son. NO FURTHER RECORD

HENRY married ELIZABETH TESKEY (a daughter of Jacob born l49l746) She was born l0ll784 and her mother was CATHERINE RUTTLE, a daughter of Daniel.. a brother of BARBARA RUTTLE (RUCKLE) HECK who, with the family of PHILIP EMBURY had emigrated in l760 to New York. A follower of John Wesley, Philip preached his last sermon in Ireland on the quayside at Limerick when boarding the Steamship PERY. It was in New York that Barbara persuaded him to preach again, and his first sermon was to a congregation of only five people. Checking with the U.S. Embassy in l994 I was informed that there were then over l4 million Methodists in America and a similar number in Canada at that time. Barbara and Daniel’s mother was an EMBURY and therefore a Mick/s ancestor. (The John Street United Methodist Church in New York is on the site of the original Meeting House which was built in l766.
Original portraits of Philip Embury and his wife Margaret Switzer and of Barbara Heck are on display together with a collection of artefacts.and a Clock. The original Philip Embury Pulpit is also there,) The Church was not harmed in the terrorist attack in 200l.

CHILDREN OF HENRY & ELIZABETH: Henry, Peter, Dora, Richard,
Mary Anne, Joseph, John.

HENRY born c l80l2 (died l4l2l88l) He had married twice firstly to
Catherine Neville . (They had a son JAMES baptised on l27l856 in the Roman Catholic Church, Rathkeale.) I have a Marriage Cert which says they were married in Nantenan Church l58l848
His second marriage was to Catherine Buckley (a daughter of John) on l99l874.

PETER baptised 4 3l804, married “Mary” and they had a son RICHARD
baptised 9l2l853

JOHN born/bapt 256l8l2 NO RECORD. Could he have been the JOHN who
converted to Roman Catholicism in order to marry in l868 and was he my mother’s granduncle rather than her uncle who was a Coachman. (See John and Mary Patt l869 whose son John married Mary Curran in l895. R.C. Records are not available to me.

DORA l8lll804.

MARY ANNE daughter of HENRY/Elizabeth Teskey, born cl8l2. She married
JOHN HALLORAN 2ll2l847 and their son John Halloran married ELIZABETH his
cousin, daughter of Joseph Micks.

RICHARD 93l806 (died 284l897) Married MARY LONG. .(born l821 died 21
2l889 buried 24th)
Children: Dora; Peter; Richard; Montiford; Mary Jane; Clarenda & Charlotte twins;
John; Leonard.

DORA baptised l843 unmarried, (died 2ll9l2 ) A Childerhose letter which I have refers to a Match (an arranged marriage). The letter in reply stated that it was not known what Dowry her parents would be prepared to give her.

PETER; l843. Peter administered his father Richard’s Will (which I have). He married ANNIE BERRY (daughter of Richard Berry & Margaret Peard) a descendant of Solomon Watson of Scarra Co. Cork, whose ancestors had come from Ulster in the North of Ireland in the l600s. Her brother JAMES had deeded to her as her Dowry 63 acres 3 roods and 23 perches of land at Scarra, and an adjoining l acre 26 perches at Smithfield she to pay the groundrent to the Landlord J.A.R. Newman of 39 pounds and five shillings for one year’s rent. The copy of the Deed (which I have) is dated 4 th February l879 and must have been the year in which she married Peter. Annie must have predeceased Peter, as in his Will (which I also have) made in l9l4 and witnessed by William Hanan
and George Farmer, both of Scarra (who also married into the Watson family) he left l00 pounds to his nephew Alfred Micks of Newboro’ Adare and the same to his sister Charlotte. He left a further 20 pounds to ANN WATSON of Cork (born l902) appointed his brother Montiford to be his Executor and left the residue to be divided between his brother and sister. He signed the Will with his Mark. I also have a letter in which he had asked Alfred’s father to purchase the farm from him for 200 pounds (which in those days would have been a considerable sum) but this did not come about. IN A ROUNDABOUT WAY THIS FARM or its value CAME DOWN VIA CHARLOTTE & ALFRED TO THEIR BROTHER ARTHUR WHO LEFT HIS ESTATE TO HIS NEPHEW JACK SPARLING OF NEWBORO’ ADARE, A SON OF EVA MARY WHO WAS THEIR SISTER.

RICHARD bapt.l856 buried 203l932 Son of Richard & Mary Long. Married 6 8
l879 (Methodist Church Adare) RACHEL PEACEFUL SWITZER (l944/February l925) a daughter of Valentine Switzer of Ballylouchane her mother was Elizabeth Delmege.

RICHARD & RACHEL’S CHILDREN; Eva Mary, Alfred John; Arthur

EVA MARY 265l88l./131963 buried 3 3l963. MARRIED Henry Philip
Sparling (son of Uriah Sparling & Isabella Teskey) on 6 2l907. Henry Philip died 265l924 aged 53. and the Protestant Orphan Society helped to support the children. Her Baptismal Cert which I have says 58l88l. Methodist Church.
Their children: Frederick Uriah (Eric) 30l0l908 unmarried killed riding motorcycle at Adare Bridge, Newboro’ beside their home, 207 l927.

Enid Mary 20l0l909 (bap.l6l2l909) married Raymond Hiscock 3 children
(Geoffrey; Stephen; a.n.other)

Richard Henry 66l9ll. (bap.258l9ll) emigrated Canada, married Mavis Frazer.
2 children, Denis and Terence.

John Jacob Alfred (Jack) April l9l2/l8l2l994) unmarried. Died aged 8l in
Dublin Nursing Home severe Arthritis. Jack inherited the Micks’ farm at Newboro’ from his Uncle Arthur, where he lived with his sister Evelyn until he moved to Dublin. He willed his Dublin house to his nephew ERIC (son of his sister Vera Conroy) after several generous charitable bequests to Protestant Charities (5 thousand pounds to Protestant Orphan Society who provided for him and his sisters & brothers when their father died; and St. Mary’s Cathedral etc.

NOTE: The Protestant Orphan Society was founded by Rev. Godfrey Massey of Bruff l803l852) (he was known as The Orphans Friend) after six young children had been orphaned when their parents died of Cholera.

Irene Isobel 25l0l9l4. (baptised l7ll9l5 Methodist Church) She nursed in
England, married Wilfred Lane and had 3 children (Stella; Pat and Rodney)

Rev Arthur Cecil (Cyril) born l9l6. Married Joyce Riley. Died l993 in
England where he ministered with the Oxford Union of Parishes.

Ethel Vera l9l8. Married Edmund Conroy, a detective. 2 sons Eric
unmarried; and Basil, married Teresa Early 2 children. Vera lives in Sheltered housing.

Evelyn Doris l84l920/bapt.24lll920. died l68l993 (Nursing Home,
Dublin Alzeimers) She wanted to become a Missionary but was turned down due to flat feet.

Florence Emma 2l3l923.bapt.l44l923. She died l68l933 Scarlet Fever
she was a Downes’ Syndrome child)

All above ex Methodist Records.at Adare Manse: They were all born at AMIGAN
(between Adare and Ballingarry). Their farmhouse abutted Amigan Castle where King James II was said to have taken refuge after The Battle of the Boyne. A small STREAM running through the farm is said to have a cure for Skin Diseases!

ALFRED JOHN; bapt. l6-7-l884. Unmarried (buried l5-8-l932 aged 48) He was
a beneficiary of Peter of Scarra’s Will. His Bap. Cert says l0-8-l884 Methodist

ARTHUR MONTIFORD; l4-5-l890 – died l3-l2-l965 aged 74. Alfred and
Arthur lived at Newboro’ the farm which was eventually Willed by Arthur to Eva
Mary’s grandson, Jack Sparling. The old Methodist Church in which she was married was nearly across the road from their farm (on the main road, near the Bridge, a small now derelict building) ARTHUR was a skilled Carpenter and his work can be seen in St. Nicholas Church, Adare – there is a plaque on the Organ which he restored after flooding. His Bapt. Cert says 2-6-l890 – Methodist

MONTIFORD l849 son of Richard & Mary Long: He died unmarried.l7-3-
l920 He inherited Lisamota farm from his father Richard and bequeathed it to his
brother JOHN. Originally they also owned the land at Croker’s Park (behind Stonehall R.C. Church) and tho’ still in the Will it had been sold. Croker’s Park consisted of l7 acres and was purchased from the Waller Estate – from which it had been previously rented – for l08 pounds. It was later sold for 254 pounds. MONTIFORD’s WILL was made l3-l-l9l4 and he died in l920. The Will was not Probated until l929 as John disputed the Revenue Commissioners assessment which shewed Croker’s Park 26 acres valuation l4.65. Lisamota Land was owned by Hon. G.N. de Y Bateson and the half-yearly Land Purchase instalment amounted to 8.9.

MARYJANE born l85l daughter of Richard & Mary Long
Unmarried – Records say she died l0-4-l934. The date on the Headstone in St. Oswald’s Churchyard, Ballingarry, says l4-4-l934 and she was buried. 16-4-l934. As a very small child, I remember her as a very frail old lady, confined to bed. She was known as Aunt Jane and the Palatine Museum has a large photograph of her.

CLARENDA l4-8-l856 bap.l5-8-l856 twin daughter of Richard & Mary Long:
She married James Bovenizer,. of Kilbreedy. 30-7-l896. She died – I do not have the date – and James married again to Sis Reidy

CHARLOTTE; l4-8-l856 twin of Clarenda. She married James Piper, a
policeman. l3-6-l882. Their daughter Elizabeth, born 2 -4-l883 died 25-4-l920 aged 38 (as per Headstone) – the Headstone dates for Richard’s family differ in some cases from the Church Records.
Their son Richard Henry Piper (records call him Pyfer which was the original Pfalz spelling,) ll-2-l884 married Mary Ann Fitzgerald of Ballybrown (Kilkeedy/Clarina) 20-2-l925.

LEONARD ll-9-l862 buried 26-9-l934 Antrim, Northern Ireland son of Richard &
Mary Long. Married Fanny Bovenizer a daughter of Moses (all Moses family had
Biblical names!) Fanny was born in Kilbreedy) and they farmed at Belmont, Antrim. They married ll-6-l90l in Trinity Church Limerick and he died aged 72 and was buried 26-9-l934. They had 2 sons – William born 25-3-l904 who died 30-5-l9ll (Meningitis) and Leonard 5 -2-l903. LEONARD married Madeline Alexandra Moorhead (born l9-2-l902 – died l7-ll-l979) on 21-9-l925 -. her father was a constable in the R.I.C in Lisburn Co. Antrim They had 2 children – the first was stillborn and Leonard Montiford was born l9-7-l939 but died aged l2 (l5-2-l95l – hole in heart). Their extensive farm was sold for housing and the housing estate is still known as Belmont..

ST. OSWALD’S CHURCH, BALLINGARRY the then new Parish Church of the
Lisamota Micks family, was completed in l8l2. An interesting mention in Records was an item of expenditure o f ten shillings in l792 for a pair of STOCKS and that of 3 guineas in l8l4. STOCKS were a form of punishment – the miscreant was put sitting with his head and arms through holes – usually placed near a Church – for passersby to observe and to mock!

The name PETER MICKS appears on the Records as Churchwarden for the years l766, 838, l864 and l87l. There have been many Peters – unrecorded – in the Micks family so which one I do not know.

BOYERS, grand-daughter of Richard/Mary (E & O.E)

JOHN son of Richard & Mary Long: born 298l859. died 262l936. John
married SUSAN ALFRED (daughter of Robert and his SPERIN wife) on l75l892.
Ardcanny. She died 266l947 (Headstone says 28th) John and his family lived at
BEABUS farm near Adare (Alfred property) until he inherited the home farm. at

Mary Jane 285l893 baptised 23793
George l86l895 2l795
Dora 257l897
Richard 204l899 l05l899
Charlotte l06l900 58l900
John 6ll903 293l903
Susan & Jeffrey 295l905 l09l905

Clarinda 84l908 267l908
Elizabeth l9l0 29ll9ll
Montiford l75l9l3 277l9l3
Leonard 2l5l9l6 239l9l6

MARY JANE 285l893 daughter of John/Susan:
Married George Smith son of Thomas, Lemonfield, Crecora, and had two sons, John and Gilbert. Gilbert is unmarried and farms at Clarina. John married twice, his first wife was Pearl Tanner from Waterford and they had one son, Richard, who farms at Lemonfield, Crecora, unmarried. His second wife was a widow, Helena Aylward (nee Wall) . who has an adult family (she was buried 4 ll2000 died l st week of November 2000) retired from farming they lived in Limerick city. MARY JANE married George Smith l85l922 and died aged 29 on 298l924 at home in Ballingarry (Post Natal Depression) buried Drehidtrasna.
The boys (born c.l922/24) were subsequently brought up by a Smith Uncle and he left his farm to Gilbert. John had the home farm. John now lives in a Nursing Home he has very severe Arthritis which seems to be the Micks family curse!

GEORGE; son of John/Susan l86l895. He died at the age of 52 on l67l948 and is buried at Drehidtrasna. He married BRIDGET HOGAN, a neighbour’s daughter at Lisamota and was given the farm at Beabus (originally owned by his Alfred mother’s family, and where he and his siblings were born.

GEORGE & BRIDGET’S children: all baptised Roman Catholic Church.

SUSAN born l 920. married John Hickey, Killaloe, 6 daughters, 3 sons.(son drowned March 200l)
KATHLEEN l922 handicapped, she lives at Cheshire Hone, Newcastlewest.
MARY l924 married Thomas Anderson, Ennis l0 children (son killed on
Railway line 2000)
JOHN; 44l9 26 unmarried, lives Graigue, Adare
GEORGE; l75l928 unmarried lives Graigue, Adare (died suddenly buried 2l002) These two brothers live together, tall, pleasant and of Palatine appearance, they could be thought to be twins.
BREDA; l930. Married Jim Walsh, Tralee. (Guest house) 3 children.
MARGARET; l938 Lives St. Ita’s Home, Newcastlewest (Arthritis)

DORA 257l897 daughter of John/Susan She married John Reidy (son of
Nehemiah) l4lll923 and they had 3 children. John unmarried; Wilton decd l996 (married Cochran 5 children (l died 2000 heart problem which a married sister also has) and George married and lives Askeaton.

RICHARD 204l899. Died aged 21, buried Drehidtrasna 293l920.

CHARLOTTE l06l900 (daughter of John/Susan): Died aged 11 buried
Drehidtrasna l921912

JOHN (son of John/Susan) 6l1903. He inherited the farm at Lisamota and Willed it to his brother Leonard when he died unmarried, l78l99l aged 88. (his sister Clarinda had housekept for him for 20 years after she became widowed, but she was not included in his Will)
Susan & Jeffrey; 295l905 twins. Jeffrey died. Susan married WILLIAM FRANCIS
NAYLOR, Kilfinane.(son of Jonathan Naylor/Charlotte Louise Bailey) 20ll931. She was not aware that she had a twin until I told her of Church Records. She now lives in Sheltered Housing and is the mother of five children John Robert bapt. May l932;
Charlotte Elizabeth Susan 21lll934; Ruby, Lester and a.n.other. They have a successful Engineering business in the midlands.

CLARENDA ( Clarrie) 8 4l908.died l4ll998 She married EDMUND. BOYERS
(son of Richard) 2 5l939 and they farmed at Riverstown in Co. Sligo. until she was widowed, when she returned to Lisamota to housekeep for her brother John. No children. When her brother John died she went to l ive at Embury Close Sheltered Housing in Adare. She was the first resident in the newly completed 21 section Apartment Block and as a direct descendant of the Embury/Barbara Heck family (who founded Methodism in America and Canada) that was as it should b e. She subsequently moved to Tall Trees Nursing Home in Askeaton when she needed nursing care and died in Milford Hospice. in January l998. She was very active and loved to dance up to a short time before her last illness.