Welcome to the website from the Mick family founded in Micksburg, Ontario.
You will find information on the family trees and history behind our emigration to Canada as well as details about the bi-ennual reunion held in Micksburg!

Mick Reunion
Saturday, August 3, 2024. Registration at 11 am: $15.00 per person. Children under 12 years $7.00
Micksburg Hall (Ball Park): 2769 Micksburg Road, Pembroke, ON K8A 6W4. (Laurentian Valley Township) across from M&R Feeds.
Memorial service at 10:15 am. Micksburg Heritage Cemetery: 2287 Micksburg Rd., Pembroke, ON K8A 6W4. (Laurentian Valley Township)
Everyone is welcome!
*Dedicated to Beulah (Mick) Jelly (1916-97) whose research forms the basis of this website.